Hiring During the Holidays

Navigating the Holiday Hiring Challenge in Government Contracting

Welcome to the SF-86 (presented by STEM Solutions) – the newsletter dedicated to bringing talent teams the latest insights from the front lines of the federal and cleared workforce.

In this issue we discuss:

  • Hiring during the Holiday season

Navigating the Holiday Hiring Challenge in Government Contracting

Envision a scenario: It's early-December, and your team has just landed a major new contract. The need for cleared personnel is immediate, but the holiday season looms, traditionally a time when hiring processes crawl to a standstill.

With the right mindset and plan, this period can be a strategic advantage. While others may relax their hiring efforts, a proactive stance can enable firms to capture top talent willing to make a holiday move.

Reduced Competition 

The holiday season often leads to a hiring hiatus in many organizations, resulting in reduced outreach to top candidates. This slowdown can be an easy way for talent teams in the GovCon space to set themselves apart from the competition, and get normally hard to reach talent on the phone and engaged in the interview process.

Maintaining, or even accelerating, recruitment activities during this time can differentiate a company. This is the moment to intensify outreach, simplify interview processes, and make swift, decisive hiring decisions. With fewer competitors, the chances of securing preferred candidates increase significantly. 

Availability and Schedules of Key Stakeholders

One of the most effective strategies during this period is to proactively manage the availability of key stakeholders involved in the hiring process. Before the holiday season sets in, it's crucial to map out the vacation plans and out-of-office schedules of these individuals. This foresight ensures that the interview and decision-making process doesn't hit an unexpected pause.

By having a clear schedule, the recruitment team can plan accordingly, setting realistic timelines for candidates and ensuring that the process remains fluid even when some team members are away. This preparation minimizes the risk of losing candidates due to delays and demonstrates an organized, efficient approach to hiring. 

Speed and Decisiveness

Time kills all deals; this is especially true when hiring cleared candidates. Candidates value clear and swift communication, a need that becomes even more pronounced during the uncertain holiday season. Streamlining the hiring and feedback process is essential to ensure that potential hires remain engaged and interested.

Following Up After the Holidays 

The post-holiday period is equally critical. It's a time when candidates are refocusing on their career aspirations, and a well-timed follow-up can reignite their interest in the position. For candidates who were engaged before the holidays, a prompt follow-up in the new year shows that the company values their potential contribution to the organization.

This follow-up can also be an ideal time to reassess candidates who may have been on the cusp of an offer before the holidays. Circumstances may have changed, and what wasn't a fit earlier could now be the perfect match.

Conclusion: Embracing the Holiday Season as a Strategic Hiring Opportunity

Rather than viewing the holiday season as a downtime, forward-thinking government contractors can use it as a strategic window for talent acquisition. By leveraging reduced competition, ensuring stakeholders' availability, and actively following up post-holidays, firms can not only sustain but enhance their hiring efforts. 

In the ultra competitive GovCon landscape, adaptability and innovation in recruitment practices are key separators. Those who effectively navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of the holiday season position themselves for success in the upcoming year.

To discuss how hiring through the holidays can impact your business, or any other recruitment challenges you are facing, send us an email or set up a call.

📚 Continuing Education

Notice an increase of Continuous Monitoring positions lately? This PDF breaks down the transition to the Continuous Monitoring in the RMF process.

 📰 In the News

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STEM Solutions is proud to present this issue of the SF-86. STEM Solutions specializes in the recruitment of cleared professionals. The federal talent market is as competitive as it gets, and we’ll help you win by getting the best talent, faster. Schedule a time to speak with us today. **

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